Year 2 - September 2022

 Year 2 - September

This week, the blogging team have been to interview children in Year 2 Parakeets and Goldfinches. The children had lots to tell our blogging team about what they have been up to in their classrooms so far this term.

In English, Year 2 have been learning about homophones in their spelling sessions, in particular, the words cell and sell, bare and bear in addition to their, there and they're. Theo has said his favourite lesson is guided reading because he reads a lot, can read fluently and enjoys the texts that are used in the lessons.

The children have also been learning about a story about two trees which are in love, but they can't reach each other as they are too far away. Imogen has said that this was her favourite lesson this week because she was able to publish her piece of writing for display.

In maths this week, Year 2 have been learning about their 10 times tables. They have also learnt about subtracting 1-digit and 2-digit numbers in word problems. Additionally, they have learnt about doubling 2-digit numbers and scales, which Amber has said she found quite challenging.

In history this week, Year 2 have compared the St Albans museum from the Victorian time and the present day. Kyle said it was very fun because he liked learning about the past of St Albans. He also said it was entertaining learning with his friends.

In computing, the Year 2 classes have been learning to log on to the chromebooks and remembering their passwords as well as logging back out. After they remembered their passwords, they learnt about doing directions with the Bee Bots which Kyle said he was very excited about because he likes playing with and programming the Bee Bots. The Year 2 children are excited to learn more about this.

In art, the Year 2's have been learning about an artist called Robert Delaunay. They were drawing lines and circles because the artist uses these in his pieces of artwork he creates. The children have been using lines and circles to create space and then using different colours and patterns in each part of their picture.

The Year 2 children were interviewed by, and this blog was written by, our Year 5 blogging team.


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