Year 3 - September 2022
Year 3 - September
Year 3 have had a busy few weeks back in school since the start of the Autumn term. Moving from KS1 into KS2 is a big step for our children: changing the building where their classroom is, being able to play in the junior playground and having a longer day to fit in all of the fabulous learning that is taking place!
In English, Year 3 have watched a short film clip called 'Two Trees' and then wrote a story about it, showcasing all of their writing skills from Year 2. In addition, they have watched a short film clip about a cat and an alien - they used this to draw a picture plan and write a story. Benjamin said, "I'm really looking forward to learning more English in Year 3." As well as Kiko saying "In handwriting, we've been practising joins for letters such as l's and n's."
In guided reading, Year 3 have been reading a text fixer about a text called Vulture Culture. They have borrowed books from the library and have been enjoying reading them in reading time. In spelling, Year 3 have been learning prefixes like -dis, -un and -mis to make antonyms.
In maths, Year 3 have been learning about 2 and 3 digit numbers, as well as column addition and subtraction and learning their times tables by using Times Table Rockstars. This week, the children have been showing different ways to represent the value of numbers. Rory said, "I enjoy making my way up the challenges in maths."
In their other lessons, Year 3 have been learning about animal groups like fish, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and birds. Willow has enjoyed this as she has lots of books with facts inside. The children have been doing lots of exercises and challenges in P.E. to improve their fitness. It was fun, but hard work.
In computing, Year 3 have been doing dance mat typing which helps them to improve their typing skills and key recognition on the chromebooks. In history, Year 3 drew a medieval castle. The Year 3's are looking forward to learning about the Stone Age.
They have also gotten really creative when sketching and painting a puffin and bluejay for the whole school display.
The Year 3 children were interviewed by, and this blog was written by the Year 5 blogging team.
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